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What Experts Look for in Prenatal Vitamins: Webinar with Dr. Stephanie Nichols

Last updated January 26, 2022

97% of moms-to-be take a prenatal vitamin. Still, 95% of them are deficient in at least one key nutrient for conception, pregnancy and nursing. How is that possible? And how can you choose the right prenatal vitamins to fill your gap?

Watch the 30-minute conversation between Jodi Neuhauser, CEO of Ovaterra and Dr. Stephanie Nichols, licensed Naturopathic Doctor from Arizona, to learn what women's health experts look for in prenatal vitamins. Jodi and Stephanie will discuss dosages, key nutrients, ingredient forms and more to help you find prenatals that can support women be at their best before, during and after pregnancy - and lay the foundation for the baby's lifelong health.


Have prenatal questions?

Send your questions to by Friday, January 28. Dr. Nichols will answer them.



Jodi Neuhauser | CEO, Ovaterra

Jodi Neuhauser is the CEO of Ovaterra. She brings to Ovaterra her personal experience of researching, learning and applying the knowledge to optimize her health at the cellular level - first for an ironman race, then to maximize her chance of success when freezing her eggs. She has been the driving force behind the introduction of new clinical-grade reproductive health supplements, as well as reformulations of existing supplements based on the latest development in scientific research.


Stephanie Nichols, NMD | Onyx Integrative Medicine & Aesthetics

Dr. Stephanie Nichols is a licensed Naturopathic Doctor in Arizona, with a passion to help women overcome psychological problems and chronic stress, restore hormonal balance and digestive functioning and resolve autoimmune conditions, from a whole-person standpoint. Leveraging advanced laboratory testing and Naturopathic and Traditional Chinese Medicine approaches, Dr. Nichols crafts treatment plans customized for each patient on mental, emotional and physical levels.

Dr. Stephanie received her Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine from the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine, graduating with honors. She is a consultant and nutraceutical formulator for a number of companies as well as a freelance medical blog writer.


What You'll Learn in the Prenatal Webinar

In this webinar, you'll learn:

  • Why a vast majority of women are low on key prenatal nutrients even when taking prenatal vitamins
  • The most common nutrients women are low on
  • The balancing act of filling the nutritional gap, avoiding excess and ensuring pregnancy-friendliness
  • What to look for in prenatal vitamins to feel your best - and give the baby the foundation of lifetime health - before, during and after pregnancy

Watch now: What to look for in prenatal vitamins



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